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Staff Calendar Boad does not open the appointment screen, it only pops up with the Service Field

Freshman I

Attempting to add an appointment to the Staff Calendar, but it does not open the appointment screen, it only pops up with the Service Field Dashboard or the Acumatica Home screen Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!

Best answer by Anacarina Calvo

@bnaumann I think you are seeing the process of FSWrkProcess, which is inherited from the access of the screen. Click on the Hidden node that has a file icon (instead of expanding the Hidden node), and using the page buttons, search for the Wrk Process line and grant Delete access

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Captain II
  • Captain II
  • April 19, 2022

Hello @bnaumann,

Could this be an access rights issue? Can the user open an appointment directly on the Service → Appointments screen?

Possibly try this: temporarily set user as administrator, log in as user, and see if now the appointment can be added to the Staff Calendar. If so… further work is needed to compare roles & rights between this user and one that works.

If test doesn’t work, you have ruled out possibility of access denied.


Freshman I
  • Freshman I
  • April 19, 2022
laura01 wrote:

Hello @bnaumann,

Could this be an access rights issue? Can the user open an appointment directly on the Service → Appointments screen?

Possibly try this: temporarily set user as administrator, log in as user, and see if now the appointment can be added to the Staff Calendar. If so… further work is needed to compare roles & rights between this user and one that works.

If test doesn’t work, you have ruled out possibility of access denied.


I have done this already, It worked under admin. The problem is we cannot leave the user as Admin so we are kind of in a rut! They can also open appointments!

Captain II
  • Captain II
  • April 19, 2022

It sounds like you already know this is an access rights issue.

Next steps: Create a Role with rights to the needed screens, and assign the user to the new role.

Keep in mind, some screens can be “hidden” and these are found in a different section of Access Rights by Role. (Appointments itself is not a hidden screen.)


Freshman I
  • Freshman I
  • April 19, 2022
laura01 wrote:

It sounds like you already know this is an access rights issue.

Next steps: Create a Role with rights to the needed screens, and assign the user to the new role.

Keep in mind, some screens can be “hidden” and these are found in a different section of Access Rights by Role. (Appointments itself is not a hidden screen.)


We also did this as well… Still nothing.. 

Anacarina Calvo
Pro I

Hi @bnaumann 
On the access rights screen, ensure the user has access to the screen called Wrk Process, under Hidden. This screen is a bridge between the calendar and the appointment form.

Also, on the Users (SM201010) screen, ensure the Login you are using has a Linked Entity (employee) associated.

Freshman I
  • Freshman I
  • April 19, 2022

I see the screen, the access rights are currently set as inherited. So nothing else gets broken, do you know what this is inherited from? Thank you!!!

Anacarina Calvo
Pro I

@bnaumann I think you are seeing the process of FSWrkProcess, which is inherited from the access of the screen. Click on the Hidden node that has a file icon (instead of expanding the Hidden node), and using the page buttons, search for the Wrk Process line and grant Delete access

Freshman I
  • Freshman I
  • April 19, 2022

FSWRKprocess access rights will not save. Every time you press save it flips back to Inherited and then will not work properly.

Anacarina Calvo
Pro I

By setting the Wrk Process to Delete, then save the Access screen, you could leave the FSWrkProcess as Inherited and it should work 


Freshman I
  • Freshman I
  • April 19, 2022

Thank you much!!!

Varsity I

I know this was a year ago, but I ran into this one today and no amount of Security permission changes fixed it.   Instead, I went into the user profile and checked this box to get things going.


Chris Hackett
Community Manager
  • Acumatica Community Manager
  • March 14, 2024

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @jaymarzian!


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