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Restrict via User Security to access Reassignment of Approvals

  • 9 May 2024
  • 9 replies

I am struggling to find the correct Setting under User Security to hide the Reassignment function from certain Roles:


I cannot find this under the appropriate Document type, Approvals or any Hidden Folder.

Any idea where this is living?
Approve and Reject are to be found on the AP Document in this case.




Which workspace is this Reassign menu item found in?  I am not finding this in an out-of-the-box instance of Acumatica.  If this is part of a customization, you may want to look in the Hidden section of access rights.  Let me know and I will investigate further.



Which workspace is this Reassign menu item found in?  I am not finding this in an out-of-the-box instance of Acumatica.  If this is part of a customization, you may want to look in the Hidden section of access rights.  Let me know and I will investigate further.


Hi Ed,

It becomes available once an Approval Map allows the reassignments of Approvals.
It is native but has the pre-requisite of an active Approval Map


Sorry for the delay in responding to this.

I did some additional testing and there does not appear to be an access node for the reassign action at the present time.

The workaround for this would be to revoke access to the bills and adjustments screen if they cannot be trusted with the ability to reassign approvals.

I will continue with this and take steps to get this corrected so that there is an access node for the reassign action.

I was able to find access nodes for the approve and reject commands, so there should also be one for the reassign command.

Thank you for your patience with this.



I have been instructed to have you create a support case.

I will watch for it and make sure it is assigned to me since I have already reproduced the issue.

Or, if you would like to let me know your name / company, I would be happy to enter the case.



I have been instructed to have you create a support case.

I will watch for it and make sure it is assigned to me since I have already reproduced the issue.

Or, if you would like to let me know your name / company, I would be happy to enter the case.


Hi Ed,


Thank you. We have a case out there that is currently Development in Progress, so I believe all things are moving. 


Thank you for the follow-up!

Can I jump in on this :) 

Been struggling to disable that Reassign even with Customization, 

where are we at on it? 

We are on Build 23.211.0017.

Thank you,


Or one can customize the screen with:

  public class EPApprovalProcess_Extension : PXGraphExtension<PX.Objects.EP.EPApprovalProcess>
    #region Event Handlers

    protected void _(Events.RowSelected<EPApproval> e)

Reassign action is a part of the Approval process, which Acumatica now handles using Workflow.

If you want to customize when it’s visible/enabled, you can:

  • Modify Workflow (through code or UI Workflow engine);
  • As @arismiliotis40  showed, create a graph extension for the desired screen, create a RowSelected event for the Main DAC of the screen and then handle action using SetEnabled and SetVisible functions.


I want to go further on this, our customer wants to give access to select the new approver in the graph extension of the reassign approval but keep the Bills and Adjustments form ONLY VIEW access rights.


Is this duable? Only with customization project?


Thank you!
