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We are getting the following errors at various points:


Error: An error occurred
during processing of the
field Branch value 23 Error:
'New Segment' of 'Branch'
does not exist in the


Error: An error occurred during processing of the field Receiving Branch
value 23 Error: 'New Segment' of 'Receiving Branch' does not exist in
the system.


I am stumped as to how to troubleshoot this.  Any ideas where to start?  We don’t use Branches in our system.

HI @ppowell  

Check to make sure you have a Segmented Key for Branch:


Also, if you can, share a screenshot of where you are getting the actual error. 

HI @ppowell  

Check to make sure you have a Segmented Key for Branch:


Also, if you can, share a screenshot of where you are getting the actual error. 

Thanks for the response.  We don’t have a BRANCH entry in Segmented Keys on this tenant but it also isn’t there on our other tenants and they seem to not display the error. When I try to add it I get :

Segmented Key is restricted by features configuration.

The images are below:


@ppowell  It may be a user security feature that you do not have access to. If you are an end user, you will need to get access to the Role allowed for the Branch. Even if you are not using Branches, the system still creates a Branch. 

Hi @ppowell 

Can you check the Company segment key and see if it has a ‘New segment’ with ‘validate’ enabled for the segment?

Also, was multiple branch support functionality enabled initially and later disabled?


Hi @ppowell were you able to find a resolution for this? Thank you!

Hi @ppowell were you able to find a resolution for this? Thank you!

Unfortunately we didn’t have time to really investigate and decided it was less hassle to move to a new tenant from an earlier snapshot. We think it may have been due to changing our segment key for Location ID as it happened right after we ran out of available numbers for our initial autonumbering segment key (reached LOC99998 and had to change it to continue importing records).


Hi @ppowell 

Can you check the Company segment key and see if it has a ‘New segment’ with ‘validate’ enabled for the segment?

Also, was multiple branch support functionality enabled initially and later disabled?


Sorry, I haven’t been monitoring this. I checked this and no, there was no ‘new segment’.  We have never had multiple branch support enabled as far as I know. We gave up trying to fix this one and started a new tenant from the most recent snapshot. Thanks for your help anyway





@ppowell  It may be a user security feature that you do not have access to. If you are an end user, you will need to get access to the Role allowed for the Branch. Even if you are not using Branches, the system still creates a Branch. 

I am set up as administrator so I’m not sure what the problem would be.  We’ve had to give up troubleshooting and have just moved to use a new tenant from a recent snapshot.  Thanks anyway.
