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After setting new prices for template items in the vendor price worksheet, the vendor price for the variants of the template item will not get updated. I can’t figure out if this is a bug or a feature.

Hi @marcelk 

I created this on my local instance.  This is for a template item also. 

  1. Create the Vendor Price worksheet, I did with this item highlighted. Gave it a Break QTY of 1 with a price of $6.50.
  2. I released the Price Worksheet and verified the pricing

  3. I created a Purchase Order for that item and added the QTY of 1. The price was $3.00 but was recalculated to $6.50. 


  4. Ensure you release the Vendor pricing. Check the Effective date as well. 

Thank you @kbeatty21

I released the pricing. Effective date is today. Only works on the variant itself. But if I change the vendor price for the template nothing happens. This (template → variant) works for sales prices but not for vendor prices.

In your example the description for RES01K1 looks very specific. Is this a template item or a variant? 

Hi @marcelk  It is for a Matrix (Variant) item. 

Thank you @kbeatty21 for your research.

Updating the price on the variant level work fine for me too.
What I wanted to achieve is updating the price on the template level (this works in sales prices worksheets). But this does not work here obviously. 

@marcelk  It does not seem to work. I was also unable to create a purchase order for that template item. 


No, I would like to update the vendor price for the template item.

In the purchase order I order the variant (matrix) item that is derived from the template item. But the vendor price of the variant does not follow the updated vendor price of the template item. 

The same works in a sales order. Update sales price for template item → add variant to SO → System pulls price from template item.

Hi @marcelk were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hey @Chris Hackett, unfortunately you have to set the vendor price on every single variant. Even if it sound logical it is not possible to use the template item for that. 
