We often have multiple Vendors for an Inventory Item. The Stock Item / Vendors tab allows different Purchase UOM to be designated per Vendor however, these only apply to “the stock item in released AP bills”. “The UOM specified in this column is not copied to the UOM column on the Details tab of the Purchase Orders.”
Does anyone have a solution to the problem of ensuring the correct UOM for a specific Vendor is set on the Purchase Order?
For example.
Vendor A only sells an item as a CASE or 4 EACH
Vendor B only sells the same item as an EACH
Vendor C only sells the same item as a BOTTLE, which is the same an an EACH.
All vendors want the order to be in their specific UOM. If not shipping and / or billing errors occur.
The item is purchased from Vendor A 90% of the time we set the Purchase Unit as CASE. However when a po for Vendor B or C is entered this auto sets the UOM to a CASE. The only way Acumatica seems to provide for this scenario is manually switching the UOM. However knowing which items to adjust requires checking each item’s UOM for the specific PO Vendor (or relying on the memory of the purchaser) which is not realistic. We have tried the Pop Up notes by item but this is a cumbersome solution and does not work well when an order is built by an import.