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Hello all,

How can I override the Print Invoice button in the SO Invoices (SO303000) screen. i tried to override the Mailing ID = SO Invoice for both Customer & Sales Order Pref  with the report ID that I want to override but it is not getting overridden.

How can I get this done?

Hi @Harry,

For overriding PrintInvoice Action on SOInvoiceEntry, You can use below code snippet.

 public class SOInvoiceEntry_Extension : PXGraphExtension<PX.Objects.SO.SOInvoiceEntry>
#region Event Handlers
public delegate IEnumerable PrintInvoiceDelegate(PXAdapter adapter, String reportID);
public IEnumerable PrintInvoice(PXAdapter adapter, String reportID, PrintInvoiceDelegate baseMethod)
return baseMethod(adapter,reportID);

Hope, it helps!
