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Hi All, In a dropshipping instance, A sales order had been received for a 1000 quantities and based on that PO order and GRN were prepared. Is there a way to increase the sales order quantity in  such a scenario? The scenario can be summarized as follows,

  1. Sales Order original qty 1000 (drop ship)
  2. PO created
  3. PO Received – Qty Received 900
  4. Customer increase the order qty to 1200

What is the best way to handle this, without creating a new SO Line or another Sales Order?


Hi @uvam33 System will not allow increasing the Qty on the same so line because it is already linked to PO which is completed also


Recommend you to add a new SO line and process the next steps


HI @uvam33 

I processed an order as you described and you could unlink the PO but the system will not allow you to create another PO for this SO. It also locks the PO to try to add the additional qty once the receipt is created. 


Why are they increasing the QTY after the order is processed? What is the process?

Hi @kbeatty21  I believe if we unlink PO in the sales order, we will get awaiting link and then it leads another issues every time. I prefer to create another so line by re-opening the sales order.


Hi @uvam33 ,

In your scenario, the customer was backordered or short-shipped by the drop ship vendor.  In your example, there will be an open quantity on the PO for the balance of the order, 100.  

If you try at this point to increase the SO quantity, you will get an error message that stops you from doing so.  This makes sense, because this drop ship order has already been submitted to the vendor, and they are quite possibly already processing the subsequent shipment for that backorder to fill the 100 that wasn’t shipped.

Are they really asking for 200 more? Or does this include the backordered 100 of the additional ask ?  

In any case, this is a new drop ship order - for 200 or 100 (if they’re expecting a second delivery for the 1st drop ship).

Hope this helps.

