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Hi ​@kapilc79 ,
Groups customers for applying specific pricing rules.

  • Define a Customer Price Class and assign it to customers in their profiles.
  • When creating sales prices, you can specify prices for a specific customer price class.


  • You create a sales price rule:
    • Inventory Price Class: Electronics.
    • Customer Price Class: Wholesale.
    • Price: $90/unit.
  • Result:
    • All customers in the Wholesale customer price class get the $90/unit price for items in the Electronics inventory price class.

Hi ​@kapilc79 

Please refer to the Youtube links below.




Best Regards,


Price class displays prices specific to that particular class. when we create a sales price list for customer, we can assign the price class. This means that when a customer belongs to a specific price class, they will see the prices defined for that class. Below are some helpful articles about Sales price lists and Price classes 

Sales Prices
Sales Price Lists: General Information
Sales Price Worksheets
