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We have merged 3 companies together in one instance for the same stock item list and range. Our historical data had incorrect costs in the system and incorrect UOMs and conversion factors. this has all been changed now and the reports going forward are going to be better. Is it possible to correct the historical data to get better sales and margin analysis. we are sorted going forward but we have minimum of 4 months of bad data that the costs and margin need sorting on.

Where are you hosted?

If on - you need to get copy of database or snapshots before problem occurred.
If locally or somewhere in cloud - do you have backup from time when it was working fine?

After that if you’ll provide current database/snapshot copy and historical after clarification call probably will be able to help you to restore data.

yes on actumatica.

yes, we have backups. it’s just that so much has happened during these months that I don’t know if it is even possible to overwrite
