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Please assist , I'm attempting to set up a business event that will send out email notifications to supplier. Ive set up a generic inquiry as follows.

I then set up a business event from that generic inquiry.

However When i run the action on the inquiry , it says completed but doesnt trigger the event.


Please assist, I don't know what I'm missing, i have attempted to troubleshoot using the following guide Troubleshooting business events | Community ( i still get same results. 

Hi @TitileGama can you also check to see if “from” email on the email notification is setup properly (tests successfully on the system email accounts screen). Also check the all emails screen just in case it was generated.

Hi @TitileGama can you also check to see if “from” email on the email notification is setup properly (tests successfully on the system email accounts screen). Also check the all emails screen just in case it was generated.

Hi @estebanperalta54 Thank you for the response , i have checked the notification and its setup properly

There are also , no email on all emails . 

Hi @TitileGama were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Add the key fields from the two tables in the GI on to the Results grid, I have seen Business Events not trigger before and it was cuased by the key fields not being on the results grid of the GI.

Hi @Chris Hackett No i havent been able to find a solution. 

HI @dcomerford Thank you , however both the Key Fields fare included on the Result grid. 



I found the Solution , The BE Queue was Full , i restarted the Dispatcher and the BE Triggered. Thank you for you Assistance. 
