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We are working on an integration into Acumatica via the REST Api and have had some troubles with pulling the latest payment objects. When logged into Acumatica I can see recent payments objects in our demo account but when pulling payment via the REST Api I’m only seeing the demo account data. I’ve verified that our user and api account have access to all of the branches/companies in the Acumatica account so I m unsure why I wouldn’t be seeing all payments? I’ve attached a screen shot with a modifiedDatefilter and it returns no results. When changing the date filter to april of this year I do receive payment objects that were setup in the demo account. The second screen shot is showing the many newly created payment objects in many different status’ that do not come back.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you

Hi ​@QuicklyTest ,

We can retrieve the Documents to Apply details for individual payment records using the REST API. To fetch all documents associated with multiple payments, create a custom GI and endpoint to retrieve the aggregated data with filters such as date range.



I’m not sure what’s wrong with this test. It should work. 

Please double check if you are logging in to the same site, same tenant. 

Also you can try filtering by ‘LatModifiedDateTime’  instead

Thank you for the replies

@Dmitrii Naumov as far as I can tell we are connected to the correct site/tenant. I’ve attached some screen shots of our connection details from our logged in user. When sorting my lastmodifieddatetime I only receive results back when I filter back to 2022. Anything after that nothing.


Thank you



Following up here. This was a misunderstanding of which modules return which payment types. The /payment routes are specific to accounts receivable where I was looking for accounts payable payments which come back in the /check routes.
