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Adding a parameter to the Leads (CR3010PL) GI for OwnerID which defaults to “@me” works beautifully on desktop, but on mobile the parameter selector isn’t showing (the filter is technically working, because the leads are indeed filtered). This means that on mobile there isn’t a way to display all the leads, which is why I would love to use that selector.

I know that we could use a shared filter, but the request is that “All Records” be filtered by default.

I followed the steps outlined in this post (, but unfortunately the `Filter_` container isn’t displaying on the app after a publish.


update screen CR3010PL {
type = FilterListScreen
add container "Filter_" {
placeBefore container "Result"
add field "OwnerID"


add screen CR3010PL {
type = FilterListScreen
add container "Filter_" {
add field "OwnerID"
add container "Result" {
fieldsToShow = 4
listActionsToExpand = 1
containerActionsToExpand = 1
add field "DisplayName_"
add field "JobTitle"
add field "AccountName"
add field "Status"
add containerAction "editDetail" {
behavior = Open
redirect = True
add containerAction "insert" {
icon = "system://Plus"
behavior = Create
redirect = True

We’re using 24R1 and hopefully someone is able to shine some light on this one.



Have you see this article this is what i always use when i get stuck shows how to add one with params and one without

I did already see that article, and unfortunately the steps outlined don’t seem to work on that GI (unless I’m missing something obvious or not so obvious). Results from that attempt are posted above.

Hi @tylerstump09  were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Unfortunately no, the effort was dropped so it’s no longer on our radar either.
