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Unable to add ListFolder to Mobile App - even according to documented example

  • 11 June 2021
  • 1 reply

I am trying to add a ListFolder to the Main menu of the Mobile app.  All I am doing is trying to follow the directions in the attached 2019-R1-Mobile-Framework-Dev-Guide as published by Acumatica.  

It does not work.  What is very odd, is that I can add all of the HubFolder’s I want.  That works perfectly.  But I can NOT add a ListFolder.

Does anyone know why that would happen?

There are no errors.  It just does not work.
Here are the published example directions from Acumatica.

Example: Adding a Screen to a Folder
Adding a screen to a folder consists of two actions:
• Adding a new screen to the mobile site map, as described in To Add a Screen to the Mobile Site
• Adding the new screen shortcut to the main menu.
In this example, you will add a shortcut of the Controller screen to the Dashboards folder of the main
menu. Copy the code below to the Commands area of the Update: MENU page in the Customization
Project Editor.
update sitemap {
add folder "Folder_0" {
displayName = "Dashboards"
icon = "system://Folder"
add item "DB000015" {
displayName = "Controller"
icon = "system://Graph1"
| Configuring the Mobile Site Map | 14

Best answer by Cesar Betances

I noticed that in your ListFolder you are adding a DB000015  screen.

Can you confirm if you have already created/added the Mobile screen for  DB000015?

If not, please note that the Folder will not be displayed since it has a mobile screen that does not exist.

In this case I suggest you make sure you have created the Mobile screen for DB000015, something like this:

add screen DB000015 {
  type = Dashboard


Then after this your Dashboard(ListFolder) should be displayed on your Mobile App.

Please remind to logout and then log back in after every publish/changes you made to the Mobile application to ensure you are testing on the latest version.

Hope this helps.

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I noticed that in your ListFolder you are adding a DB000015  screen.

Can you confirm if you have already created/added the Mobile screen for  DB000015?

If not, please note that the Folder will not be displayed since it has a mobile screen that does not exist.

In this case I suggest you make sure you have created the Mobile screen for DB000015, something like this:

add screen DB000015 {
  type = Dashboard


Then after this your Dashboard(ListFolder) should be displayed on your Mobile App.

Please remind to logout and then log back in after every publish/changes you made to the Mobile application to ensure you are testing on the latest version.

Hope this helps.


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