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I created a process screen that works now fine when run manually (Process and process all buttons). I added a scheduled task in the SM205020 screen. When the time to execute comes, the task unfortunately does not triggers. Other scheduled tasks for some other screens are triggered as expected. I removed and recrated the scheduled task that does not work, I reduced the number of the invoices to process but nothing works. Has anyone an idea ?

Below my settings (no conditions are set in this case) :



Hi @ygagnaire12 



Not too sure however, this could be because you have the schedule to run every 00:00. Could you change it to every 2 mins and see what that does?

Also, try removing the ‘Action’ condition, you are already telling the automation schedule what action to perform with the ‘Action Name:’ field.


Hope this helps,



Hey there! 

One suggestion I can give is to ensure the global admin user ID has all branch access roles and permissions to be able to see records and process records on that new screen  (the user Id called “admin” in the system -- not the role but the actual USER called Admin)

I noticed your schedule has a branch defined on it, so I am curious if the global admin has full access to all data associated with that branch and screen. 

This matters because the global admin user ID is the user that is used to process records from automation schedules. 
(this is specified in help documentation for automation schedules)


Thank you for your replies !

@aiwan, I set the ‘every’ field in the ‘Schedule’ task of the scheduled task to “00:02” and other values as you suggested but it doesn’t work either. Regarding the ‘Action condition’, could you be more specific ? I don’t see what you mean as lon as I didn’t set any condition in the “Conditions” tab.


@Missy Main, I checked that the user ‘admin’ has access rights to all the branches we are using. This point seems to be OK (see below). I also cleared the field ‘Process with branch’ in the detail tab. That being said, I wondered whether it wasn't necessary to set specific rights on our new screen for scheduling to be possible there. I didn’t find any informations about this kind of settings.


Hi @ygagnaire12 


Apolgies for my misleading terminology, I was referring to this screenshot:

You have defined what ‘Action’ to filter by, I am not sure if this would be the cause but removing this filter may be a good idea.


The ‘Action Name’ field is what determines what your autoomation schedule does.



Thank you @aiwan for this precision !

I returned to this issue yesterday after spending some time on other matters. There seems to have been a misunderstanding on my part about the nature of the information displayed by the ‘LastRunDate’ field in the SM205030 screen. I thought it was the time at which the process was last run, regardless of the result of that run. In fact, this value only changes when the last execution was successful! The information I was expecting was in fact displayed in the SM205035 screen, ExecutionDate field. As Albert Camus said, ‘Mal nommer les choses, c’est ajouter aux malheurs du monde’. In this screen, I saw that the scheduled task had been launched as planned. In short, my problem is solved !
