Hello, does anyone know what part of the code chooses which locations are assigned to a shipment line?
I am trying to restrict a warehouse location to customers who have a specific Tax Zone, so that only customers who have the tax zone can have quantity allocated from that location.
There are three locations in the warehouse: A, B, and C. A and B have higher pick priority than C.
Two Tax Zones: A and B
Item 123 is stocked in each of the locations. Stock in location A can only be allocated to customers with the Tax Zone A, stock in location B can only be allocated to customers with the Tax Zone B. Stock in location C can be allocated to any customer.
Say that location A has 1 available, B has 2 available, and C has 10 available.
If a customer in Tax Zone A orders 5 of the item, then the allocation should be 1 from location A and 4 from location C. Location B should be ignored even though it has higher priority than C.
I am looking through the SOShipmentEntry graph to see how quantity is allocated. My idea was to add a field UsrTaxZoneID to the INLocation, and apply a filter to whatever process does the allocation so that only locations whose tax zone matches that of the customer are considered.
Can anyone point me to what piece of code I’ll have to modify?