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Hi Everyone

The warning message, "NTE Value Exceeded. Do you want to process it?", appears repeatedly in the Appointment form whenever "OK" is clicked. This occurs when attempting to save an appointment that was created from a Service Order form.

We need assistance in preventing the warning from being shown multiple times during the save process.

Could you please assist for us.

@MoulaliShaik79 What version of Acumatica you are using? Are you sure this is an Out of the box warning and not a customized one?


We are using the 2024R1 version. The alert box which is a customized one.

 if (fSServiceExt.SSSNTEAction == "W" && (fSServiceExt.SSSNTEValue > 0 && fSServiceExt.SSSNTEValue < appointment.CuryDocTotal))
                // process or cancel Dialogue Box.
                string msg = Messages.ServiceOrderWaringMsg;
                WebDialogResult result = Base.AppointmentDetails.Ask(ActionsMessages.Warning, PXMessages.LocalizeFormatNoPrefix(msg), MessageButtons.OKCancel, MessageIcon.Information, true);

                if (result == WebDialogResult.OK)
                    flag = true;
                    return flag;
                    throw new PXException(msg);
                    //return flag;


Hi @MoulaliShaik79 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi Chris Hackett,

It has not resolved.

