Hi, Good Night.
I need to "reload" my "VendorId" selector with the corresponding information from my EstimateNbr (Header) and Id (Grid).
Currently in my DAC (corresponding to the grid: CEEstimateEstimate) I do the following in the VendorId.
- I use CEEstimate.EstimateNbr FromCurrent. (header)
- I use CEEstimateEstimate.Id From Current (grid)
#region VendorId
PXSelector(typeof(Search<V_CEVendors.vendor_Id, Where<V_CEVendors.estimateNbr,Equal<CEEstimate.estimateNbr.FromCurrent>,And<V_CEVendors.idEstimateEstimate,Equal<CEEstimateEstimate.id.FromCurrent>>>>),
SubstituteKey = typeof(V_CEVendors.vendor_Id))]
PXUIField(DisplayName = "Vendor Id")]
public virtual int? VendorId { get; set; }
public abstract class vendorId : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<vendorId> { }
It works, but I must select the field next to it (it must be a selector as well) so that when passing to the same selector "VendorId" (in any row) it brings me the corresponding information of that PhaseCode.
I need: not to click on a selector next to it so that my VendorId selector is refreshed, but when clicking on the selector itself it automatically loads the information corresponding to the EstimateNbr (Header) and Id (Grid)
Aditional. Is a project customization.
I hope I explained myself correctly, please help.