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I need help because i want to view my RefNbr on my GLTran base on my module 


but when i click this

it is not getting the record of the refnbr


Hi @jhoncandare04 

Please share the .rpx file


Best Regards,


this one

Hi @jhoncandare04 

Because when you click on RefNbr on the report it will call the screen of that RefNbr. And GLTran.RefNbr] cannot call the correct screen of RefNbr.

You need to join with APPayment & ARPayment to call the correct screen of that RefNbr
Please refer to the screenshots below.





Best Regards,


@nhatnghetinh i cant use this one as Ref. No?


Hi @jhoncandare04 

I tried using the if function to use only 1 column for Ref. No but without success.

= IIf( APPayment.RefNbr] <> NULL, APPayment.RefNbr]
    , IIf( IARPayment.RefNbr] <> NULL, LARPayment.RefNbr]
    , '' ) )


Best Regards,



i tried this i think its okay. Thank you 

@nhatnghetinh i thought its working but it is not switching the condition 😭

Hi @jhoncandare04 

I realized this problem as I told you above. It seems that RefNbr link on the report is not calling different screens according to conditional functions.


Best Regards,

