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Hi everyone,
I’m new to Acumatica, i made a custom processing form, the grid of this from contains soLines fetched using this code:

 public PXFilteredProcessingJoin<SOLine, SOFilter,
InnerJoin<InventoryItem, On<SOLine.inventoryID, Equal<InventoryItem.inventoryID>>,
Where<Current<SOFilter.orderType>, IsNull,
Or<SOLine.orderType, Equal<Current<SOFilter.orderType>>>>,
And<Where<Current<SOFilter.inventoryItem>, IsNull,
Or<SOLine.inventoryID, Equal<Current<SOFilter.inventoryItem>>>

I set the DataMember for the grid to SOLineFiltered, and the records were fetched successfully.

the problem is that the filter fields are not working, when i choose IN for example as ordertype and 11111 as inventoryID the grid is not updated.

can anyone help me on this?

Off hand, have you set the CommitChanges property on your filter controls to True? Without that the graph won’t push the new value back to the server so it can react to it.

@Django Thank you. i know it’s basics but it is always better to ask
