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Hello all,

I have been working on a DB where I am looking to add the parameter’s default value = @me. But it triggers an error - not accepting @me value. is this a bug? As of now I needed to add the parameter in individual widgets.

Also I am trying to add a parameter where if the parameter is empty it should take the value as @me.
version - 24R1




Thanks in advance.

Hi ​@harshitasethia74,

You can set the Owner ID as @me as Shared filters to apply for the specific widgets.

Hope, it helps!

Hi ​@harshitasethia74,

You can set the Owner ID as @me as Shared filters to apply for the specific widgets.

Hope, it helps!

Hey ​@Nilkanth Dipak , thanks for your prompt response. This is I am already following. Whereas I am looking in case if I need to check out the data for any other owner, so I am trying to apply a DB parameter.

Hello ​@harshitasethia74 

@me filter works on dashboards. Can you please refer the attached customization with the “Allow Users to Personalize” check box checked? It contains the Project Consultant Dashboard which takes the OwnerID  navigation parameter and defaults  with the current user as shown below




If you still face the issue, please attach a customization with the dashboard you the face the error with? 
