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is It possible to add other field on the screen IN401000 as new filter that doesn't exist in the list of fields proposed in customization?


Hello @SadokHanini  Yes, you can add new customized filters on this screen by extending the InventorySummaryEnqFilter DAC.

In this screen, there are many calculated fields, while filtering with new parameters we need to be careful to do not break anything.

Just FYI, you can see the base logic code in this file - InventorySummaryEnq.cs

Thanks @Naveen B 
After adding a custom field how can i apply the filter ?



Thanks for your feedback

Hi @SadokHanini  You need to override the AppendFilter  method from the InventorySummaryEnq graph.

By default, we have InventoryID, Location, and Warehouse filters, you can your customized  filters here and verify.

Hope this will helps!


Here is the screenshot for your reference.


Thanks @Naveen B  
i tried to override the AppendFilter but the got an error doesn't recognize the variable T


@SadokHanini , you can’t override methods with generic type parameters

the only option here is to override (fuly overload) the big calling method protected virtual IEnumerable iSERecordsFetch()

Though this is doable, I would recommend to review the original requirement and do without this modification. BTW, how are these filters supposed to work? The  InventorySummaryEnqFilter DAC is supposed to contain only those fields for the filter which are present in all 4 input tables used for totals calculations. Are custom fields which you intend to use as filters present in all these tables?


Hi @SadokHanini. Did you manage to get the filtering to work? I added the warehouse location to the screen and I am also struggling with the filtering.

