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In 23R2 is it possible to restrict user access to lead, opps and BAs using sales territories? My exploration suggests not, but I wanted to ask on the community in case I have missed something obvious.

HI @ebevan 

There is nothing currently out of the box that does by territory. 

It looks like it will be in 2023R2

On the release notes, page 11

HI @ebevan 

There is nothing currently out of the box that does by territory. 

It looks like it will be in 2023R2

On the release notes, page 11


Thank you for your quick reply.


I have access to it in 23R2 already, I was wondering if anybody knew if you can restrict user access based on these territories. For example you have four territories, ‘North’, ‘South’, ‘East’ and ‘West’. I would like to set up the system so that the users in ‘North’ can only see their leads/opps and would not be able to see the leads/opps of ‘South’, ‘East’ or ‘West’.

It appears that you can by States and create them that way by adding the state to those parameters


Hi Kandy,

The example given above shows how you can link a territory to a State.

I can’t see how this relates to using the new Territories feature as a restriction group.


It does not look like it is possible.



territory by ZIP code would be needed as well! STATES and COUNTRIES is too broad! 
