Is there a report in Acumatica that will show me an Employee’s hours worked per project for a given timeframe?
The Employee Hours Report (PM622000) and Employee Hours by Project and Task (PM623000) Reports show the total hours worked per project / per employee, but not within a date range. You can look at adding a filter to those reports, or possibly create a Generic Inquiry off of the PM Time Activity or PM Transaction tables. There may be some sample GI’s in your current system that can be used as starting points.
Have you tried Project Cost Transaction History? The Parameters allow selection of a project and offer the option to “Summarize Labor”. The Additional Filters can be used to choose an employee and range of dates:

Hi, If you start with the DB Project Employee Time Generic Inquiry as a starting point, you should be able to get what you need.
- Check the Grouping and remove the grouping by employee. You may want to group by project if you want project totals, or no grouping if you want all the details.
- Check the Parameters and Conditions, you may want to add start/end date parameters.

I am also struggling with this, I need to set a parameter of a period of time such as the last pay cycle and nominate the number of days previous. To capture only jobs that have had time added within the last pay week. Capturing labour/equipment hours on only those jobs active within that certain timeframe.
Further from that moving into to each individual job to view/print hours booked on them would be advantageous.
Is the Employee Hours Report and the Employee Hours by Project and Task still advisable to begin from?
- The PM Time Activity table tracks the hours by the OwnerID (not Employee ID). I usually link the PMTimeActivity table to the EPTimeCard Table and then the EPTimeCard Table to the EPEmployees table. Time cards that are on hold are weird though and seem to be missing the timecardCD link.
- To calculate the costs related to the hours, you can convert the hours and minutes into a decimal and multiply by the rate in the generic inquiry.
- The dates are tricky because any date that I’ve used to filter time automatically also includes a time stamp. So to look for data for August 3, 2022 I acutally need to look for everything between 08/03/2022 12:00AM and 08/04/2022 12:00 AM. I do this using a Date Add filter.
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