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Modify default values when adding Common Tasks to Project

  • 4 November 2021
  • 3 replies

It would be helpful to set up Projects if the “Default Values” would update from the Project if they are left blank on the Common Task.

Often, a client wants to set up  Common Tasks to allow for ease of setting up Projects, however, the Default Values need to update from the Settings tab on the Project just as they do when creating a new Task.

This should have been flagged as an Idea not Question.  I’ve created the idea, but couldn’t delete this question.

HI - it is possible to over-ride the field defaulting  for any of these fields with a switch that checks for a value on the Project first before going to the settings. Its a customization of course…..




@bduprey51 I have gone ahead and marked this as answered by creating an idea. Thank you for letting us know :grinning:
