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Importing on Mass Live Projects opening balances & maintaining proforma invoice no. sequence

  • 30 November 2022
  • 10 replies

Implementation questions


What is the simple most effective way to import 100s of Live projects into our customers new environment? Is it import scenarios and then some manual work project by project for balances etc?  


Is it possible to bring over projects which are midway complete into Acumatica? I.e., a project 6 months into 12-month schedule and on claim (proforma invoice) no.6 - How do we import and indicate or make the project start in Acumatica from that same reference no.6?


There are two articles in this community that provide the steps. There is a customization (as of 2022 R1 it is still a customization -- I don’t know about migrating construction projects in 2022 R2 yet) that provides migration mode in Construction module, migration mode used to link each AIA to the related AR Invoice. Import Scenarios provided by Acumatica.



It’s an arduous project to migrate open projects with AIA, but if I can do it, you can do it!  My recommendation is to start practicing the process of pulling data out of the old system and importing it.  Before Go Live you’ll want to have the spreadsheet format and import scenarios perfected & practiced. 

@Heidi Dempsey taught me:  Dates, reference numbers, order of documents is crucial when migrating your history.

In summary, this is the order of migration:

  1. Customers
  2. Projects
  3. Tasks 
  4. (Cost Codes - optional)
  5. Revenue Budgets
  6. Cost Budgets
  7. Change Orders
  8. Open AR Invoices and paid AR Invoices that have Retainage open
  9. Proformas with links to invoices from step 6.
  10. Project Actuals - project to date historical totals via Project Transactions screen
  11. Validate Project Balances

Hey Laura,

Those links to those two articles don’t work for me… Do you know how I am able to request access to them?



Hi @kemery - your community access is as registered guest so you won’t have access to KBs. you may want to work with your partner to supply them.

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to add some information to this post.  We are adding the ability to import Pro Forma Initial Balances with our 2023 R1 Release.  We have incorporated what was previously available with customization, updated and included with our general release.

Look for the release notes and details to come.



@Chris Hackett Hey Chris, we are the partner (still quite new) but we are down here in Australia (MYOB Adv) …


We are really keen to see this article as we are solely construction dedicated and our clients have project balances to bring over efficiently…. 

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to add some information to this post.  We are adding the ability to import Pro Forma Initial Balances with our 2023 R1 Release.  We have incorporated what was previously available with customization, updated and included with our general release.

Look for the release notes and details to come.



Hi Joel,

Is there somewhere I can look for those release notes? Thanks in advance

Hi @kemery - I'm afraid the community platform doesn't control access to these areas. That is controlled by your role access in your business account. @joelhoffman - do you know how an MYOB partner gets this information? Thanks!

Hi @kemery , here is a link to the 2023 R1 Release page, which has the software downloads and release notes.  One item to mention, MYOB typically trails Acumatica releases by 1.  Meaning the MYOB fall release would be compatible with our R1 version each year, and the spring release is compatible with our R2 version.  As this is in Acumatica 2023 R1, it would be in the MYOB Fall 2023 Release.


Hi @kemery , here is a link to the 2023 R1 Release page, which has the software downloads and release notes.  One item to mention, MYOB typically trails Acumatica releases by 1.  Meaning the MYOB fall release would be compatible with our R1 version each year, and the spring release is compatible with our R2 version.  As this is in Acumatica 2023 R1, it would be in the MYOB Fall 2023 Release.


Thanks Joel, this is another one that is locked unable for us to access….


We do know where to find the release info with MYOB (1 season behind as you mentioned) but as Construction is only a more recent MYOB focal point we are lagging Acumatica with the depth of knowledge specific to construction in these releases… Would be massive if I could get access to these locked articles somehow ... 

Has the cutover process to take a client live been changed or improved with the 24 R1 version release?  Just trying to stay current with the latest best practices.
