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While trying to clean-up books, cannot get journal transactions booked to cash account with different subaccounts than defined on cash account. Read that cash account is one-to-one relationship with subaccount, so saw that solution may be to create new cash accounts with the not defined subaccount to clean-up, but concerned that cash account configuration has not changed yet we have transactions that are said to be impossible and are now erroring after upgrade to 2021R2. How could this have happened?


Is it possible that entries to cash account with multiple subaccounts were migrated from a different system via GL before the one cash account was set up in the Banking module?

Yes, the answer is to set up new bank accounts, one for each branch-acct-sub combination, just for the purpose of moving the cash to where it belongs. Then inactivate the extra cash accounts. I have seen inactive cash accounts renumbered also, to Z999999 etc. so they sort to the bottom of the cash account list.

I’d check account details for that GL and see if you can identify some documents or as Laura mentioned, good chance it was a manual or migration GL.  But if it wasn’t you should be able to find the documents that created the issue.  Then look at the audio history to see who and which screen created it to track down the how.  

Proposed Laura’s recommendation and see cash account created well after opening balance journal entries created the transactions. Hope to have resolution tomorrow. Thank you!!
