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Can not create the Project Related Purchase Order using Stock Item

  • 25 November 2021
  • 10 replies


I was trying to create a Purchase order adding Project and Task. Using the Stock Item.

It is showing following error. have there any additional Configuration need to be done?






Hi @NAthukorala47  Can you please uncheck the below “Create Pro Forma on Billing” checkbox and verify.



Create Pro Forma Billing option is used for below purpose, due to this might be getting that warning.




I did the above action plan and Issue was same. 

I attached Project Task to one Location and did the Test scenario. 

Then system allow to create the PO. But When GRN time, system not allow to change the Location. 

Giving and error.  It is always allowing Which i attached Location. 



Can not change the Location when doing the PO receipt. 

I need to know What is the Intended Functionality when create the Stock Item PO regarding attach Location to task. If we mention any Task in warehouse Location Level, same Location need to be used as Receipt Location?



Hi @NAthukorala47 

What version and build of Acumatica are you on ? If you are on 2021r2, can you check what option is selected for Inventory tracking on Summary tab of Project for Inventory Tracking ?

Here is relevant help documentation which explains the process of using Stock items on Projects.

Hope this helps,



Hi @NAthukorala47 

Adding to my previous post, the ‘Project specific inventory’ feature was introduced on 2021r2. Refer to page 296 which explains the functionality. This allows you to assign a Warehouse Location not linked to specific Project /Task.


Hope this clarifies. 




We are using 2021 R1. 

There is No ‘Project specific inventory’  feature. 

Could you mention what is the different between those two with examples?





Hi @NAthukorala47 

On 2021r1, to use Project/ Task on Stock item receipt, one has to assign required Project and Task to the warehouse location first.

So, the Project and Task can be linked only at Warehouse Location level.

One has to receive above warehouse location, if you intend to link PO receipt to the Project and Task.

In your case,

  • Warehouse location used on Purchase order is not linked to Project and Location
  • PO has approval workflow applied, hence, its not allowing you to change the location on PO receipt. If you disable approval workflow, it allows you to change location on PO receipt

Hope this clarifies.



I have initially added the Project Task to Location. My question is during the Procurement cycle, only i can access this location. or in Receipt time can i use different Warehouse Locations. 

because system allow one Location to one task assignment. 


Hi @NAthukorala47 

That is possible on 2021r2. In addition, in your case, if Approval is enabled, it wont allow you modify the location on PO receipt ( this behavior is same on 2021r1 and 2021r2). 




Which Approvals? Is it PO approval?



Hi @NAthukorala47 

You are correct. The error reflected on the screenshot you sent earlier, does indicate that PO Approval is enabled on your instance. Hence, its not allowing you to modify a column value on PO receipt. 

