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Hey everyone, I keep trying to troubleshoot this issue and I’m coming up short. Anyone have any ideas?

Error: SO Error: Carrier Service returned error. USPS:Wrong parameter type.  Send
  Raised At: 3/6/2023 5:48:04 PM Screen: SO.30.20.00    

3/6/2023 5:48:04 PM Error:
SO Error: Carrier Service returned error. USPS:Wrong parameter type.

   at PX.Objects.SO.SOShipmentEntry.ShipPackages(SOShipment shiporder)
   at PX.Objects.SO.SOShipmentEntry.PackageDetail.ShipPackages(SOShipment shiporder, Action`1 baseMethod)
   at PX.Objects.SO.SOShipmentEntry.<>c__DisplayClass57_0.b__0()
   at PX.Data.PXLongOperation.<>c__DisplayClass18_0.b__0()

HI @gusl Seems like there might be something off with your credentials or parameters. I’m getting successful connection with the below parameters. Check to see if you have something missing or stands out:


HI @gusl Seems like there might be something off with your credentials or parameters. I’m getting successful connection with the below parameters. Check to see if you have something missing or stands out:


@estebanperalta54 I’ve actually tried this on a local instance and it works perfectly fine, but one of our clients’ instance is having these parameter issues. Could it be only on the carrier level or do you think this might be a deeper issue? Thank you for your response!

hI @gusl Most of the times a parameter error on ship for rates is caused by something on the boxes screen. 

Recommended making sure all the boxes have dimensions, unit of measures and do not have anything in carrier package.



Other settings that can cause this error:

- a zip-code at the Branch or Warehouse level

- incorrect settings on the Branch and Carrier facility codes


Here is the link to the configuration guide for Easy Post if it helps:

There is also a video at this link:

@manikantad18 Thank you! that helped. The boxes didn’t have dimensions and hence the parameters were wrong. This makes sense. Thank you so much!
