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I am trying to do a test upgrade from 2021 R2 to 2023 R1 on a local VM to test some customizations and I get this error:



I am using SQL Server Standard 2016 with the latest CU.

Is there any way around this, or do we need to use an Enterprise Version of SQL locally now as well?

I should add that when I click Ignore to all the error messages it does seem to finish, but I am not sure of the state of the data.  Does it just mean that I cannot use the new archive feature on my local test VM but everything else will work?

Ray, requirements can be found here:

.Net Required:



@ray20 - no other issues but keep in mind that this is just in a local test virtual machine and not in a production environment at this time.

James, thank you for the detailed response - much appreciated!

My understanding is that the new archive feature in 2023 R1 uses SQL partitions.

While most of the clients we work with are on Acumatica’s SaaS environment, we have a small number of clients that are on premise for a variety of reasons, most of which are not going to be running the Enterprise Edition of SQL server.

There is no mention of this edition of SQL server being required in the online help:

Currently, the on-premise clients that I work with are on 2022 R2 so it has not been an issue yet, but looks like it may be for the next upgrade.

The solution in my case was to install SQL Server 2016 PU3 and then then latest CU.  Acumatica 2023 R1 installed without any partition function complaints.

Hello, I do not know the answer. But I probably have to upgrade from 2021r2 to 2023r1 in future.  May I ask, it looks like 2023r1 requires net 3.2 framework?  Would 2021r2 run normally on net 3.2 framework?
For the production environment, I might have to upgrade net 3.2 first, and then upgrade only 1 test instance to 2023r1, another instances would remain on 2021R2. Would it be fine?

@Chris Hackett - No I have not yet.  It is just for local test data so no as critical at the moment but will be when we start moving our on premise clients to 2023 R1 or higher.  I may have to create a case I guess.

I am trying to do a test upgrade from 2021 R2 to 2023 R1 on a local VM to test some customizations and I get this error:



I am using SQL Server Standard 2016 with the latest CU.

Is there any way around this, or do we need to use an Enterprise Version of SQL locally now as well?

I should add that when I click Ignore to all the error messages it does seem to finish, but I am not sure of the state of the data.  Does it just mean that I cannot use the new archive feature on my local test VM but everything else will work?


Hi Kgartly83,

Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search is the only required “Function” of the SQL Server, so you should be ok.  Acumatica itself doesn’t require the Enterprise Edition of MS SQL Server.  I just went though an upgrade from 2021 R2 → 2023 R1.  I used MSSQL 2019 for my dev environment, and even though it’s not fully supported for 2021 R2, I even tested in 2022 without issue. 

For my production environment, I’m using Enterprise Core-based licensing in a shared environment.  All without issue.  

One thing I would suggest is checking the database for consistency, fragmentation, removing snapshots, optimizing, and even running the DB repair option to make sure there isn’t a lingering issue in the DB itself making the upgrade scripts think it’s trying to use a feature that’s not supported. 


I do believe this error is being passed through from the SQL Server, rather than an error with Acumatica. Sometimes finding the right order for preparing the data for an upgrade is just as important as the upgrade itself with testing the customizations.  


However, if there’s a manually created portioned tabled included in this database backup that you’re testing, you’ll need to remove the partitions.  

To do this:  Detach the database by using the sp_detach_db stored procedure. Move the files if it is needed, and then attach the database to an instance of a supported SQL Server edition by using the CREATE DATABASE with the FOR ATTACH or FOR ATTACH_REBUILD_LOG option. Disable partitioning on all tables and remove the partitioning functions. Detach the database again, and reattach the database to the current server.  You should be able to use the Dev version of MS SQL to complete this operation.  

During the upgrade, you shouldn’t need to worry about this if the host SQL Server is running on the Enterprise version, as it would support this feature during your upgrade…


Hope all this helps. 


-James Harris 

@kgartly83 Thank you. I just wrong stated .net core and .net framework, they are different things. But my original question is to get your confirmation that have you ever tried run 2021R2 on .net framework 4.8 and .net core 3.1, is it OK?

@kgartly83 Hello, Except this issue you metioned, did you meet any other issues that when you upgraded directly from 2021r2 to 2023r1?

Hi @kgartly83 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @kgartly83 !
