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How to Create a new Tenant and copy only master files and settings

  • 25 January 2023
  • 9 replies

I need to create a new testing tenant and only want to copy over master files (i.e. vendors, customers, chart of accounts, inventory (stock and non-stock items) and settings for payables, receivables, and general ledger, and inventory. What is the best method to do this and what is the estimated investment in time to create this scenario? 

Hi @hjosephdcm 

Could you please check the below article.,in%20Maintenance%20Mode%20(Lockout).


Hi @manikantad18 

Can you tell me the difference between the various export modes: 


HI @hjosephdcm 

The first thing you will want to do is ensure that the system is in lockout mode to get a safe copy. 

Go to System Management> Apply Updates> Schedule Lockout


Next, you will go to System management> Tenants> Create Snapshot

Here is what the different types of snapshots you can create are:

Snapshot Contents

When you take a snapshot on the Tenants (SM203520) form, the contents of the snapshot are the data from the SQL database tables included in the snapshot. The set of tables to be included in a snapshot is defined by the export mode that you select in the Export Mode box of the Create Snapshot dialog box. The following predefined export modes are available:

  • Full: All data related to the tenant
  • Full except Attachments and Wiki: The full data related to the tenant, excluding attachments and wiki articles
  • Full except Attachments: The full data related to the tenant, excluding attachments
  • Settings and Business Accounts: The tenant’s complete set of configuration settings and business accounts, including attachments
  • Settings and Business Accounts except Attachments: The tenant’s complete set of configuration settings and business accounts, excluding attachments
  • Settings except Attachments: The tenant’s configuration settings, excluding attachments
  • Settings only: The tenant’s configuration settings, including attachments

You select the export mode based on the intended use of the snapshot. If you need a snapshot for testing purposes or for making a tenant template, configuration settings may be enough for you. If you need a complete copy of a tenant, you should select an option that includes full tenant data.

Hi @hjosephdcm 

Based on what you said, the export mode you will want is Settings and Business Accounts. Depending on if there are PDF’s such as tax exemption certificates that you want to copy over, you may or may not want attachments. 

Thank you @kandybeatty49. Will Full export mode bring over transactions as well? I ideally want to copy our testing tenant without any transactional data. 

Thank you @kandybeatty49. Will Full export mode bring over transactions as well? I ideally want to copy our testing tenant without any transactional data. 

Yes, Full will bring over all data including transactions. 


@kandybeatty49 Thank you so much for your help. I was able to successfully copy our existing test tenant into a fresh tenant with no transactions. 

@kandybeatty49 Thank you so much for your help. I was able to successfully copy our existing test tenant into a fresh tenant with no transactions. 

Happy to help! Glad it worked!
