Hi - we recently switched from Paya to Acumatica Payments/Fortis for our payment processor. With Paya, we could generate payment links automatically when the invoice is released. The team from Acumatica Payments said we could likely set up a business event to do this as well, but I’m not sure what all that would involve.
Does anyone have experience setting this up themselves?
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Hi @nicolestanton Thats right, Paya has that feature to generate payment links automatically when the invoice is released. Business event is a common feature in Acumatica that can trigger an email notification based on the change of Invoice Status is changed to “Open’(Released).
Following are the steps to follow:
Create a Business event for the Invoice and Memos screen (AR301000), as below:
Associate the email notification to the Business Event to send email on release of Invoice.
Create an email notification subscriber to the Business event, as below.
Note: you need to add the hyper link html code like <a href> ,,, for the Payment link in the email notification body.
Hi @ChandraM - I appreciate you sending this over! However, this is an automation process to send the email itself. What I’m looking to do is to create an automation for the generation of the payment link using Fortis/Acumatica payments. The process right now is to go to the financial tab, click on Acupay in the Processing Center, then “Create Payment Link” in the action menu. I would think that if Paya could do it, Acumatica payments should be able to do it as well.
Do you know how to set that up? The screenshots they shared with me had me pulling from a screen that doesn’t exist in my Acumatica.
Hi @nicolestanton were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
Hi @Chris Hackett - we upgraded to 23R2 and that is a feature that’s included now. When the invoice releases to Open status, a payment link is generated. Thanks for checking in!
Any guidance on how to add the payment link and QR code to documents like the AR Invoice in 23R2? I’m trying to add the QR and payment link to our customized Invoice form.
Hi @fosterjeff01 - unfortunately I gave up on that. I was told by someone at Acumatica they would both be on there “automatically,” but that was not the case. Then I was told that one could be and not the other (I don’t recall which), when it was shown with both during the reveal of 23r2.
We ended up putting the payment links in the email template that gets sent out after our terms customers pick up their products.
RE: adding the Payment Link to documents:
You need to edit the invoice report form (so643000.rpx) and in the footer add a text box with your preferred text string (i.e., “Click Here To Pay Online”). Format the display as you prefer.
Set the VisibleExpr =pCCPayLink.Url]<>Null (so invoices without a Payment link will print w/o the embedded link), and set the NavigateURL value = uCCPayLink.Url]
does anyone know if there is a out of the box notice for when the credit card declines?
There is no out of the box notice for any credit card payment transaction.
If you login to your Fortis Merchant Account, I beleive you can see credit card transaction status / result notices there. However, these would be the same status / result details that get passed through to the Payment Processing Log and to the Card Processing tab on the payment.
My client transitioned from the Repay APS & CTP customizations. The Repay payment gateway generated an automatic email notification to customers for captured payments. The Fortis payment gateway does not support a comparable feature. Before implementing Acumatica Payments, we were advised that it would be simple to create a Business Event that would trigger when the payment was captured / released and then design an email notification template with the details to be included in the email.
This was NOT a simple task! The initial BE used the AR Payments and Applications (AR3020000) screen, but it only triggered when credit card payments were manually entered / captured on AR invoices. After many trials and errors and analysis of the payment records, we determined that the payments could be created from six different source screens:
Receivables, Invoices and Memos (AR301000)
Receivables, Payments and Applications (AR302000)
Banking, Process Payment Links (AR513500)
Sales Orders, Sales Orders (SO301000)
Sales Orders, Invoices (SO303000)
Webhook (imported) (00000000)
The specific source screen for the credit card payments depended on
if the credit card payment was captured by a user within Acumatica or if it was captured from a Payment Link (customer makes payment in the Fortis customer payment portal)
if the credit card payment was a ‘prepayment’ on a Sales Order or a ‘payment’ on an Invoice
Submitted a support case - advised to create a GI that included these tables:
We ended up creating a custom GI and then edited the BE to use the custom GI. It took us about a month of trial and error edits to the BE and GI, and some assistance from @pallikasharma11(Acumatica Support) were able to get the BE conditions and GI fields edited. As of May 6, 2024, every credit card payment that is successfully captured now generates an email notification / credit card payment receipt to the customer’s email address, containing the relevant credit card payment details our client wanted included.
@Tfahey14 would you be willing to share the XML for you GI and BE? I have a customer using card terminals that wanted the payment details on the invoice, which I have done, but I would love to see the GI and BE you created.