We’ve recently ran into an issue with trying to exclude non-stock items from our export on Sales Orders (SO301000). These non-stock items are populated in the Details tab of the Sales Order page. We’ve tried several different approaches to this and still have turned up no results. Right now, we are using this export restriction

and this export mapping

All we need it to do is not include any Inventory lines that are not non-stock for this export. The value is ultimately stored as ‘N’ when I try to map the export to a location and see what it looks like. However, when using the restrictions, it does not want to exclude these lines with that value.
The restrictions we have tried so far have been
Details > >InventoryItem.ItemType] > Does Not Include/Does Not Equal > N
Details > Inventory-Type > Does Not Include/Does Not Equal > N/’N’
Details > Inventory-Type > Does Not Include/Does Not Equal > Non-Stock Item
Any help would be appreciated.