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Hi Team,

We are getting the below error while upgrading db from 2022r1 - 2023 r1. Any thoughts.

MySQL version - 5.7.1

System.NotImplementedException: MySqlScripter: There is no conversion from logical data type Udt to MySql physical type
   at PX.DbServices.Points.MySql.MySqlScripter.scriptColumnDataType(TableColumn col, String& comment)
   at PX.DbServices.Points.MySql.MySqlScripter.getColumnDefinition(TableColumn col, String tableName, DefaultScriptingMethod scriptDefault)
   at PX.DbServices.Points.MySql.MySqlScripter.<Script>d__40.MoveNext()
   at PX.DbServices.Points.DbmsBase.DefaultExecutor`1.Execute(Func`1 cmdProvider)
   at PX.DbServices.Points.DbmsBase.PointDbmsBase.executeCommands(IEnumerable`1 commands, ExecutionContext context, Boolean withoutUsingDb)
   at PX.BulkInsert.Installer.PointInstallationExtensions.RunSchemaFirst(PointDbmsBase point, DataSchema schema, ExecutionContext context, Boolean customScript, Int32 timeoutMultiplier)
   at PX.BulkInsert.Installer.PointInstallationExtensions.ExecuteSingleRequest(PointDbmsBase point, DatabaseScriptRequest request, ExecutionContext context)
   at PX.BulkInsert.Installer.ScriptExecutor.Execute(List`1 requests)
   at AcumaticaConfig.Installation.DatabaseWork(BaseInstallProvider provider, ProgressBase progressBar)
   at AcumaticaConfig.Installation.WithProgressBar(BaseInstallProvider provider, Action`2 installationMethod)

@ vib1980 This might be related to a custom field and most likely a datetime kind of field which required to be changed by an alter table. Use Show Columns Scripts to find the problematic Table and column in case you can see it in any logs. Check your customization and custom tables and fields first.

For instance following script can help if the field has datatime type:

ALTER table tablename ALTER COLUMN ColumnName datetime2(0) null
