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I cant seem to edit the workflow on the AP301000 (Bills and Adjustments) screen. Am i missing something or do some screens not have this option? 



Hello @andythomas65 

It depends on the version of Acumatica ERP you have. Refer to the following article for the list of versions where the support of AP301000  form was added:

If you have issues on the Customization Editor form when the default workflow do not appear for the screen, the following article could help:


Hi @Irina .


Thanks for this, it's version 2021r1 update 5 I'm looking at. Will follow the article tomorrow and let you know how I get on.


Thanks again



Hi @Irina 


I have the default workflow but I cant seem to create a new one and i wouldnt want to edit the default even if it was possible would much rather setup and new workflow and use that


Am i missing something really obvious here!!!



I actually missed that too... For the following forms, workflow automation customization is currently prohibited:

  • Quick Checks (AP304000)
  • Bills and Adjustments (AP301000)
  • Checks and Payments (AP302000)
  • Invoices and Memos (AR301000)
  • Payments and Applications (AR302000)
  • Cash Sales (AR304000)

This information was added to the article as well. My apologies for the confusion.

@Irina I sort of see why thats been prohibited but its a shame, Thanks for your help with this :clap_tone1:

Is it possible to request this as a future enhancement? I really need to be able to edit the Invoice workflow to produce different invoice formats based on the billing rule.


Hi @aimwright you could create an Idea for it here:

