To be honest, I can't think of anything that would be different. Is there something specific that you have in mind?
Hi @thomassherman51
Ensure they are licensed for DeviceHub and the feature is Enabled. Other than that as @darylbowman mentioned, there should be no difference.
Other than that ... there should be no difference.
This isn't different though Still needs to be licensed and enabled on PCS.
Hello @darylbowman and @kandybeatty49,
The device hub (DH) I had issues with is now connected and the printer is active in the Acumatcia tenant.
Licensing was not the issue, instead it was the DH version. I thought that I had downloaded the tenant compatible verrsion but apparently not. So I uninstalled the DH that I initially installed and then installed the tenanant compatible version.
Thanks for your responses.
Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @thomassherman51!