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We aere just over a year into being Acumatica Parnters and we have a few implementation in progress, which are installed on Acumatica’s SaaS.

Does anyone have any expereince, that they can share, on how to setup Device Hub(s) on an Acumatica SaaS based install?

So far all the information on Device Hub setup seems to be geared towards PCS (On-premise) installs.




Hello @darylbowman and @kandybeatty49,

The device hub (DH) I had issues with is now connected and the printer is active in the Acumatcia tenant.

Licensing was not the issue, instead it was the DH version. I thought that I had downloaded the tenant compatible verrsion  but apparently not. So I uninstalled the DH that I initially installed and then installed the tenanant compatible version.


Thanks for your responses.

To be honest, I can't think of anything that would be different. Is there something specific that you have in mind?

Hi @thomassherman51 

Ensure they are licensed for DeviceHub and the feature is Enabled. Other than that as @darylbowman mentioned, there should be no difference. 

Other than that ... there should be no difference. 

This isn't different though 😎 Still needs to be licensed and enabled on PCS.

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @thomassherman51!
