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Customer is reporting that when printing carrier labels from Easy Post to Device Hub there are 2 copies of the same label printed


- there is only one job created


- the printer is configured to print 1 copy


- is has been confirmed the zpl label file only contains only one label


- the printer has been reset 



What could cause this issue?  How can this be resolved

Using Task Manager, make sure there isn’t more than one instance of DeviceHub running on the same machine or even DeviceHub running on multiple machines.

@dsimmerly This might be the issue related to using both Push Notification and regular polling and when the initial job status not updated before the wait time, it tries again and that result into duplicate copy.

What version and build Client using both ERP and DeviceHub?



DId not see an answer to this. We are also seeing this. We just upgraded to 2024 r1 and that is when it started. Part of the upgrade required a new version of Device Hub.


Is polling and push settings the issue ?

We are also having this issue and are currently on 2024 R1. How do you check push notification and polling settings?

Found out due to error handling on the end of the API calls, we where calling a second time. Did not see it until we where seeing duplicate requests.

@morrowhe - It’s in the DeviceHub utility’s configuration settings
