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Customer ID not autonumbering even with NEW and auto numbering

  • 14 March 2023
  • 5 replies


Auto Number is not population in the segment values portion as <NEW> and thus not creating a new and unique number when adding a customer.  Any ideas why this is not carrying over? 

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @tfarwell11 

Can you set as shown as below and review the issue one more time 

1.Check the last sequence number once ( May be an issues)

2.if not resolved, can you quickly create a new one 

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

@tfarwell11  Have you checked the Numbering Sequence screen for the CUSTOMER - Numbering ID?

  • Manual Numbering should be unselected in Numbethe ring sequences screen
  • Auto Number should be selected in the Segmented Keys screen.




Userlevel 3

Thanks everyone.  Looks like we had to go back and reconfigure from the start.  Working now.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Thanks everyone.  Looks like we had to go back and reconfigure from the start.  Working now.

Hi @tfarwell11 

Thanks for the Update, As I mentioned creating a new will resolve the issues in most of the cases.


Userlevel 1

Has anyone run into this issue when using auto numbering on Customer ID has an adverse effect on Dashboards?

Here is an example where the user must manually clear the <NEW> value each session.

However, on Dashboards that use a parameter I cannot get the <NEW> to clear, so the Dashboard stops working altogether.


