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We have Cases that are repeated periodically every 3 months, 6 months, etc., such as air conditioner maintenance, employee computer cleaning, car maintenance, etc.

Take air conditioner maintenance as a specific example. We created a Case called "Air conditioner maintenance" and we closed this Case when it was completed. The air conditioner maintenance work will be repeated after another 6 months. How can the closed "Air conditioner maintenance" Case automatically "Open" again after another 6 months or How can the system automatically create a new Case "air conditioner maintenance" after 6 months?


Best Regards,


You could use a Generic Inquiry and Business Event to do it. So create the GI to find the "Air conditioner maintenance"  cases that are Closed 3 months ago. Then base your business event on this GI on a record inserted and the use an import scenario as the subscriber to create the new Case.
