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Acumatica Installation Error

  • 22 September 2023
  • 7 replies



I have this error someone change the password on my account on sql, and i have this error.

I already change the password and try to Log in on the Tenant Maintenance with this password and Acumatica let me pass straight to other steps.

I have the tenant on the same version 23.108.0020 and idk the error says can't get the version.

7 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hello @edgarrodriguez23 

The error is referring to the user not having sufficient access to the database server.

Can you try login in with the sa username and password or having your database team correct the access on the database server.

Badge +12

Hello @edgarrodriguez23 

...the user not having sufficient access to the database server.

This is implied, but the user is the database credential stored in web.config. This has nothing to do with a particular Acumatica user.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

@edgarrodriguez23  Can you check the database logins (Server name, Username and Password) in Web.Config file ?




I already fixed! Thanks

Badge +12

If the issue was database access related, would you be so kind as to mark @pallikasharma11’s answer as the Best Answer, and if not, could you detail what the issue was?


How was this resolved? I am having the same issue.

Thank you so much in advance.


Badge +12

How was this resolved? I am having the same issue.

Thank you so much in advance.


The username and password in the site's web.config file needs to match one permitted to log in to the database.
