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Absolute Path problem when launching Database for training servers

  • 17 March 2022
  • 5 replies

Absolute Path problem when launching Database for training servers.

I cannot get my database to launch to run Accumatica. I have all IIS settings correct. I think it is a Microsoft SQL express or Windows admin permission issue



@CAllaire  Please check if the folder mentioned on error exists under TemporaryAspFiles Folder and the path highlighted. If not it should be created with same name as you see on the Highlighted statement.

Also make sure the Application Pool user has Write Access to that folder.

Restart both Site and Application pool and try load the instance again.

thanks. for some reason i cannot understand why it is being coded as temp when it is not written that way from the wizard. it is causing the site not to load.


I downloaded the wizard and saved a new database on my second ssd and the site loads. but now the credentials admin and setup arent letting me log in 

You can execute following update script against the NEW DB and password will be 123

update PreferencesSecurity set PasswordMinLength = 3, PasswordComplexity = 0, PasswordSecurityType = 0
update users set password = '123', PasswordChangeOnNextLogin =0, PasswordNeverExpires = 1,LastLockedOutDate=NULL,FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount=0,FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart=NULL,PasswordRecoveryExpirationDate=NULL,IsApproved = 1 where source = 0

lol i got the database to load off of another drive lol weird how that worked haha!!

Might need to wipe and reformat my PC
