I’d like to add a new menu item on the dropdown for the action field on SOCreateShipment (SO50100).
The Action field is defined as follows:
#region Action
[PX.Data.Automation.PXWorkflowMassProcessing(DisplayName = "Action")]
public virtual string Action { get; set; }
public abstract class action : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<action> { }
Digging into the PXWorkflowMassProcessingAttribute via VisualStudio (because I think think we don’t have the source for that attribute) I see that it expects to look back at the calling object for a class called WellKnownActions and from that class it builds the string list.
Should I cacheattach that field and override with a PXStringList?
Or should I just add the action through the workflow editor which seems to be fairly easy to do.