Hi good night.
I have a problem when i try to “load” data of a selector grid depending of a selector header.

My IdPhaseCode DAC is:
#region IdPhaseCode
[PXSelector(typeof(Search<CEEstimateEstimate.idPhaseCode , Where<CEEstimateEstimate.estimateNbr.IsEqual<CEBidPackage.estimateNbr.FromCurrent>>>),
SubstituteKey = typeof(CEEstimateEstimate.description))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Id Phase Code")]
public virtual int? IdPhaseCode { get; set; }
public abstract class idPhaseCode : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<idPhaseCode> { }
- The CEEstimateEstimate DAC contains the selector information
- The CEBidPackage.estimateNbr.FromCurrent its the value of the current selector (21-0049, but its seems that its not working)
Can you helpme please?
A lot of thanks.