The quick question: Is there a list of the Transaction Type 3-character codes for inventory transactions (INTranDetail DAC) or, more generally, a way to view a field’s value before it is translated to the display version?
As part of a larger Generic Inquiry that brings together a variety of inventory-related statistics, I am attempting to create a ‘Most Recent X Date’ column for several of the different transaction types, such as Most Recent Receipt Date and Most Recent Transfer Date. However, I am unable to filter to the desired transaction type in a formula without knowing the codes.
[INTransfer.TranType] = 'Transfer'
Doesn’t work, as the DAC Schema shows that the field is only 3 characters, but gives no list of what those codes are. I had to do something similar with Cross Reference codes and thankfully another post exposed a list of constants for those. I am also curious about how these smaller, stored values are transformed into the displayed values.
It feels like I’m missing or forgetting a reference document, so I’m hoping this is a simple question with a simple answer. Your help is no less appreciated, though!