I am currently trying to make a PositivePay compliant output from a Generic Inquiry. I am attempting to remove all comma, dash, decimal, and non-numeric characters from all numeric fields. So I would like date to be 010924 as an example. I see that my question has been answered here:
However when I apply the below code to the Style field of APPayment.DocDate it has 0 effect on the output. I notice this solution was posted a year ago and I wonder if there has been some sort of update between then and now which has changed the approach?
=Concat(IIf(Month([APPayment.DocDate]) < 10, '0'+CStr(Month([APPayment.DocDate])), CStr(Month([APPayment.DocDate]))) + IIf(Day([APPayment.DocDate]) < 10, '0'+CStr(Day([APPayment.DocDate])), CStr(Day([APPayment.DocDate]))) + Substring(CStr(Year([APPayment.DocDate])),3,2) )