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This file, and it’s related indexes are taking up half of our database. The current file size of the database (.mdf file) is 135GB and we’ve only had it installed for three weeks.

At this rate we will have a 1TB db in ten months.


Any idea what’s going on with this?

A good place to start would be the Space Usage screen under System Maintenance. This can help narrow it down to specific tables or snapshots. Uploaded files can get out of hand too if you are not using external file storage options.

Sorry, SMperformanceinfosql in the title is the name of the table.

And I ran a sql script to find that the indexes are as big a part of the problem.

I believe that table is populated by the Request Profiler. Using the ‘Clear Log’ action should clear that table out.

Yes, SMperformanceinfosql this table is related to Performance Monitor Logs.


–  This table save trace of requests, sql querries, memory usage. This can be helpful for Acumatica support and performance issue investigation, but after that you can clear it. 
