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Acumatica 2020 R1, Build 20.101.0032, Screen ID: PO301000


Is there a way to have the Promised On field located within Purchase Order screen default as blank? It currently defaults to the date that the Purchase Order is created. Using Automation Steps, we can change the date that shows in that field immediately after creating a new Purchase Order, but as soon as a Vendor is selected it reverts back to the current date. We do not have any lead times set for our Items - so I’m not sure if that is partially causing this issue.



Hi @sabelo08,

I have checked and this change is hardcoded. Meaning that the code automatically resets the value upon vendor selection.

But it can be customeized - if you add this code, it should remove defaulting. However I haven’t tested that everything will work properly after this change.

    public class POOrderExt : PXCacheExtension<POOrder>
        #region ExpectedDate
        public abstract class expectedDate : PX.Data.BQL.BqlDateTime.Field<expectedDate> { }
        public virtual DateTime? ExpectedDate { get; set; }

Thank you for the quick feedback @smarenich !

To be clear, regardless of any other factors, this field is hardcoded to equal the date of PO creation once vendor is selected. Is that correct?

@sarmstrong51 it is not exactly hardcoded to be equal to PO Date.

There is a code that automatically changes Promise Date to PO date on Vendor Location change. But as I said, it can be changed with customization.

I’m trying to work through this customization to remove the automatic updating of the Promised Date when the vendor location changes, but I am not able to get the desired results. I’m assuming there is something else besides the PXDefault attribute firing the update to the Promised Date field, I just can’t seem to locate it.

Has anyone figured out how to do this? 
