Hello - I have a weird issue. We have a custom field on our PO form called “Requested By”. If I go to the PO screen and preview/print, the value appears perfectly. However whenever the PO form is sent via a business event that I created, the “Requested By” field shows but not the value for some strange reason. I confirmed the business event is pulling the same form ID than the one I see when I preview it from the PO screen, so I have no idea what could be causing this. Wondering if there is something I need to change on the form itself or perhaps the business event?
At what status the PO email is triggering with Report?
Business events configured by “ Trigger by Condition” or “ Trigger by scheduler”
Please trouble shoot the BE issues by changing trigger conditions.
Thank you
Hi Manikanta,
Thanks for your help! I tried the “Trigger by Action” and that stopped sending the emails altogether. I have it currently set to “Trigger by Record Change” then the Trigger Condition is “Record Inserted” and there is a Shared Filter to Apply so that when a record appears in that tab, it triggers this event. Everything from the PO form shows up just fine except that one value.

Could you please try “ Trigger by Schedule” . Once it happened to me. one field is not populate in the Emails So I change the condition and it worked.
To avoid multiple Emails
Add a condition in the business events with “ Trigger by Schedule” and add a scheduler to trigger all the Emails Every10 Mins.( Testing )
Create a UDF Field
To avoid the same order triggering Multiple emails we are Updating the One User Defined field “ Order email sent” after the Email is Triggered so that the system cannot send an email a second time to the customer/Vendor/Internal Team,
Don’t forget to add a condition in the GI “ order review” is empty.
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