I have an Generic Inquriy column called orig_ord_type which, depending on the ARInvoice.DocType could either be a ‘C’ for Credit or an ‘O’ for Invoices and Debit Memos. My logic for this is =IIF(LEFT([ARInvoice.DocType], 6) = 'Credit', 'C', 'O') which accounts for Credit Memos and Credit WO (Write Offs) which should be coming up as ‘C’, but everything is coming up as an ‘O’. I’ve even tried using =IIF([ARInvoice.OrigDocAmt] < 0.00, ‘C’, ‘O’) and anything listed as a Credit still had an O in the column. If anyone has other ideas, they would certainly be appreciated, even using the =SWITCH function. I’ve tried the =SWITCH and I received an error about the MEMO token.