We have a subreport that has been developed, and is working using data from the CRRelation table, which was submitted last week with issues. The subreport is a part of the groupFooterSection1. The subreport is receiving the parameters without any issues, but the final Sales figures are not all showing up as expected. I attempted to adjust the size of the subreport in various ways, using Custom, A6, and other dimensions trying to get the size down. Everything in the groupFooterSection1 has been encapsulated on a panel, and I’ve attempted to use a separate panel, no dice, no panel, no dice, putting the Sales figures on it’s own panel, still no dice. The user is adamant about using the CRRelation table to prevent his users from having to keep typing the same data from one report to another. On another note, I again want to thank all of the people that helped me last week to use the CRRelation for the data.
Word attachment has screen shots of the work done and I’ve included a zip file of the report and sub. There is another subreport, but the concern is of the SO641000Sub2.rpx